Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentines Day

Today is Valentines day!!!

I have some things I want to know about your Valentines day:

Did you give any valentines?[I did!]
Did you get any valentines?[I did!]
If you gave valentines, did you make them or did you buy them?[I made my valentines!]

Hope you have a good valentines day!


  1. I made my Valentines,

    Yes I did get Valentines
    and I did give Valentines.

  2. same with me!

    ii made my valentines to everone in my class

    and i got valentines for myself!

    plus thank you vick!

    for putting the name url and anonymous! on your

    blog so everone can do a comment!

  3. I made my Valentine's
    I got Valentine's
    I gave Valentine's!!
    (Same As You)

    1. I think it is cool how everyone is making theirs and they put the time and effort to do that!

    2. But is still great to not make them, it is still so cool if you buy all [or some] of yours!
      And it is still cool if you did not give them!

  4. I didn't give any Valentines, but surprisingly I received one! I wasn't expecting one, so I'm going to have to return the favor soon!
